Return & Refund Policy

Loveir Cosmetics

Return & Refund Policy


You have up to 7 days to return any products purchased from this store. We can not offer a return unless it is within 7 days. 

We can offer free returns for orders over £15. This is where we will buy the shipping label and email it to you to ship. Otherwise every other order the consumer must pay for the shipping, without our product being received we cannot issue a refund.

Also, the products you are wishing to return must be in the condition you received them. This means in its original packaging and without any visual and intensional damages. We cannot issue a refund unless we have proof of this.

Lastly, you need to provide proof, probably an image, of the receipt invoice that was shipped to you with the products that you have purchased.

Now after reading the policy above, please follow the link below to start the refund process...

- Follow this link to fill out a form providing us with all the necessary information to issue the refund (Refund Form